Gauntlet Rush is a platformer/roguelike where fate and skill decide your destiny. Open the doors, uncover what lies behind them, and choose whether to face it or try your luck elsewhere.

WASD - Movement
Space bar - Jump
Hold F - Interaction
Left click - Use 1st power
Right click - Use 2nd power (If available)
Q - Swap power binding

When you open a door you can choose to keep the door or to change it (remember: the public is watching you).  Overcome the challenges, and keep the audience's enthusiasm high if you don't want to be thrown out of the show.

Games Done For: Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1 

Marco Trentacosti - Game Design
Edoardo Del Sarto - Programming
Niccolò Posarelli - Programming
Luca Cearini - Art
Alessio Angelini - Composer (
Mattia - Sfx
Simone - Sfx
Lorenzo - Dubber
Gabriele Giacomelli - Playtest and Support


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I liked the design. thank you!!!